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If you have lost your Belgian identity card or Belgian passport or it was stolen, the Embassy can further assist Belgian travellers with a provisional passport.
To obtain this document, you should contact the embassy during office hours. So do not call the emergency phone, but the ordinary number of the consulate +36 1 457 9960
Outside office hours and only in case of urgent need or catastrophe, an emergency telephone service is available to our Belgian compatriots at +36 30 982 4223.
In case of theft or loss of documents requiring urgent intervention, please do not call between 8pm and 8am. The Consulate can only intervene during the day.
If you are a victim of theft, go to the nearest police station to report it.
The embassy has good experience with the Budapest 5th District police station (English-speaking interpreter).
Budapesti Rendőrfőkapitányság
V. Kerületi Rendőrkapitányság
1055 Budapest, Szalay utca 11-13.
What is a provisional passport?
A provisional passport is an emergency travel document with a short period of validity. A provisional passport is the only emergency travel document that can be issued to a Belgian within the framework of consular assistance.
What must I do to obtain a provisional passport?
1. As soon as you notice the loss or theft of your travel or identity document, please contact us immediately by phone or e-mail. Do not wait until the last moment before your departure from Hungary! During weekends and on holidays, emergency passports are issued only in cases of humanitarian emergency (death, illness). For other cases, please present yourself during weekdays and the Embassy's normal opening hours.
2. Information and documents to be presented
For adults
- name and date of birth and/or national number
- if possible a photocopy of your lost/stolen e-ID or passport
- 2 original passport photos (a paper photocopy is not sufficient). The passport photo must meet the requirements of a standardised ICAO requirement.
- Photos can be taken at photo shops or in photo booths in e.g. larger train and metro stations.
- In case of theft of your travel or identity document, you should report it to the Hungarian police. You must then submit the official report to the embassy.
- In case of loss, a police report is not required but recommended.
For minors
- For a Belgian who is a minor and needs a provisional passport, he/she must have the consent of BOTH parents/guardian in addition to the above procedure.
To this end, the parent(s)/guardian(s) must send the embassy by e-mail a scan of the identity cards as well as the handwritten authorisation with the explicit consent to issue a provisional passport to the underage Belgian.
The provisional passport is valid for 1 month and costs 10 euros. To know the price in local currency, consult our consular fees. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that payment is only possible by bank card.
Good to know
The Belgian Embassy in Budapest cannot replace driving licences or Belgian identity or residence documents issued to foreigners.
How to block your bank card in case of loss or theft ?
Immediately call YOUR BANK
or CARD STOP to have your bank cards blocked. This way you will prevent abuse.
Tel: +32 78 170 170
More information at www.cardstop.be
How to block your identity card or passport in case of loss or theft?
Call DOC STOP immediately to have your identity documents blocked. This will prevent the fraudulent use of your identity.
Tel: +32.2.518.21.23
More information at www.docstop.be
International money transfers
If you can identify yourself, it is possible to have a family member, friend or acquaintance transfer money to you.
Western Union offers a service (for a fee) to transfer money abroad. The person sending you money can do so by going to a post office in Belgium, to a Western Union branch or via their website
For the full list of WU branches in Hungary, please visit their website